Updated January 2024

Etchings, woodcuts, intaglio, mixed media...

Etchings, intaglios, xylography's, lithographs and embossings. Some of these works were produced while I've had my press and printmaking workshop. Some other woodcuts and wood engravings editions were worked without press,  and “hand pulled” using  the Japanese style with baren on my handmade paper.

The trumpists racketeering demons in the White House, mixed media, 2016: inspired by the don-ald duck.

This etching, intaglio on cooper was my homage to the master painter Ricardo Pérez Alcalá, while we shared the atelier in colonia San Rafael in México DF, 1981.

One of my lithos printed on  my first edition of  handmade papers (cotton & algae) produced in Lisbon, Portugal 1984.

The Muse, 2016, wood engraving printed on kodzu hand made paper.

Left side,  the original acrylic painting La guitarra, 2012.  

Right side: The painting's interpretation was printed in silkscreen in 18 colors/screens done by the Puerto Rican artist Peter Gaztambide.

Diptych:Time and Space, etching, intaglio, mixed media. 

Maya's ball game, 1979, intaglio, relief

1.492: the Covering / El cubrimiento, lithography