Updated January 2024: please leave your comments in the form at the bottom of this page, thanks.

Actualizado en Enero 2024. Puedes dejar tu comentario en el formulario al final de esta página. Gracias.

Direct Contact for inquires: jormenlo@icloud.net jormen@sbcglobal.net




  • Born in South América (1954)


  • Master in Fine Arts / Magister en Artes Plásticas, University of Arkansas, 1992.
  • Master/Magister in Hispanic Literature,  2003.  
  • Web CT Instructor, U of A,  2002.
  • Bachelor in Fine Arts / Licenciatura en Artes Plásticas, Univ. San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia 1988.
  • High School / Bachiller del Colegio La Salle, La Paz, Bolivia, 1972.

Professional Experience:

Artist-in-Residence/Fine Arts Teacher/Handmade Paper  Instructor:

  • Suncoast Technical College, Sarasota, Florida USA

  • University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA     

  •   Glendale School, Artist-in-Residence, Nashville, Tennessee.                              
  •  Humanities Instructor, University of Arkansas, Fort Smith, Arkansas.
  • Printmaking Assistant, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 1991-1992.
  • Fine Arts Associate Instructor, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 1989-1991.
  • Art Teacher, West Campus High School, Fayetteville, Arkansas 1999-2000.
  • Visual Arts Workshop/Taller de Artes Visuales, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 1992.
  • Sâo Paulo State Pinacoteca, Sâo Paulo, Brasil, 1989
    and Alvares Penteado Foundation, Sâo Paulo, Brasil, 1988.
  • Printmaking House, Curitiba, Brasil, 1986.
  • Workshop 3.4.5 Lisbon, Portugal, 1985.
  • High School Teacher, Tupiza, Bolivia, 1976.

"...As someone who benefits from a lot of context, I always appreciate seeing several works by an artist, and have trouble connecting with one or two alone... (the) decision to show many works by Nashville favorite Jorge Mendoza jived well for me, connecting his abstract paintings with his Quipus works on handmade paper. Mendoza’s work alights something old and dear in the imagination. It’s like going back to a very familiar but nearly forgotten story”.  Erica Ciccarone, 2016

This video narrates a brief history of handmade paper and my work's production on my own handmade papers with different fibers in different techniques. Furthermore,  it links my Quipus’ works (1980-2014) that inspired my friend, the writer Homero Carvalho  to compose his poem quipus and the book was published on 2014.

Souvenir from my 2024 visit to Greeces beach (‎⁨Santorini⁩, ⁨Akrotiri⁩, ⁨South Aegean⁩, ⁨Greece). Beautiful sea, landscape and people of course...

Update July 2023: I’m absolutely happy after visiting South America: the Chinchay Suyu and the center of the world in Ecuador/Quito.  After this, we've traveled to the Anti Suyu (Qosqo/Cuzco) Perú, and Machu Picchu of course! 

... Now the years are rolling by me
They are rockin' evenly
I am older than I once was
And younger than I'll be; that's not unusual
Nor is it strange
After changes upon changes
We are more or less the same

In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade, and he carries the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down or cut him
'Til he cried out in his anger and his shame
"I am leaving, I am leaving", but the fighter still remains!

The boxer, Simon & Garnfunkel

Quipus en Machu Picchu, 2023